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Can You Fly With Edibles?

Everything you should know about bringing food on a plane

Let’s take a short test:

  • You have a current doctor’s prescription for medical cannabis and reside in a state where it is permitted. Can you bring it on a plane with you?
  • You are traveling to a state where recreational marijuana is legal and you currently reside in one where it is. Can you bring it on a plane with you?
  • Airport TSA personnel adhere to various cannabis-related regulations according on the state in which they are stationed. False or true?
  • The truth that the answers are false, no, and no could surprise you. Let’s examine the regulations surrounding bringing food on a plane.

There are conditions, though. The only delta 8 flower items that are permitted to be brought onto a plane (in carry-ons or checked baggage) are those that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC or medications that have received FDA approval, according to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

This is so that both federal law and airports prohibit the use of cannabis products with more than.3% THC, regardless of whether they are located in a state where marijuana usage is legal or not.An individual enters the federally controlled airport region, which includes the airplane and its airspace, when they pass through a TSA security checkpoint.

Despite this, the TSA’s own statement emphasizes that its goal is security and that identifying risks to travelers and aircraft is a top priority. Although they won’t be looking for your edibles when scanning you, the agency’s security guards will turn it over to a law enforcement officer if they do.

What if you put food in your checked bag?

The same outcome occurs when you pack food in your checked bag as when you carry it through security. TSA will turn them over to your local law enforcement, who will take action if they are found during a search of your bag.


If you are found in possession of edibles at one of their airports, many states may impose varying levels of punishment. At Los Angeles International Airport, the Airport Police Division will not detain a person if they do not exceed the legal amount in their possession, which is up to 28.5 grams, even though their policy states that TSA screening checkpoints are subject to federal jurisdiction. But that depends on the area.

For instance, despite the fact that Massachusetts law permits one ounce of cannabis possession, the law explicitly states that it is prohibited to consume cannabis in any way (including smoking, ingesting edibles, and vaping) in public or on federal property. Despite the legality of modest amounts, the Massachusetts State Police may be contacted at the discretion of the TSA if they find your edibles during an airport security check at Boston Logan International Airport.

A few airports, including as McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, provide “amnesty boxes” where visitors can get rid of cannabis and associated items without facing any consequences. Cannabis remains illegal in all areas of some airports, including Denver International Airport. According to Freedom of Information requests made by Denver’s Channel 7 reporters, there were 635 cannabis “items” seized at DIA in 2018’s first eight months as opposed to 115 during the same period in 2017; this is a five-fold increase. A Denver police officer normally conducts an interview with passengers whose possessions have been seized.

The following airports have amnesty boxes:

  • O’Hare International Airport McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas
  • Midway International Airport in Chicago

Please be aware that these rules, along with local, state, and federal laws, only apply to citizens of the United States while they are on American soil. Cannabis is prohibited in many countries, and being discovered using it there could result in severe consequences. Travelers have even been advised not to pack CBD oil by the U.S. State Department.

What Should Patients Using Medical Marijuana Do?

Regulators at the federal level regrettably prohibit carrying medical marijuana on aircraft, however medical cannabis reciprocity is permitted in some states. This means that patients with medical marijuana cards can enjoy the same rights while traveling outside of their home state, however they might need to apply for a new card that is only good for that state. State-to-state reciprocity for medical cards was available in the following at the time this article was published:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Hampshire, New
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Providence, RI
  • Washington
  • DC, Washington

The conditions and maximum quantity permitted, however, vary from state to state. For instance, Hawaii permits visitors who have applied for an in-state card to purchase up to 4 ounces of cannabis (per 15-day period) from licensed dispensaries, whereas Arizona prohibits visitors from patronizing dispensaries, despite the fact that they are legally permitted to consume it. Make sure to research your destination before leaving.

So, can you bring edibles on a flight?

Right now, the response is no. Federal legislation prohibits the transport of any cannabis product containing more than 0.3 percent THC on a plane. While airline passengers are outside of a TSA checkpoint, federal standards take precedence over all other regulations; however, laws are continually changing. To find out exactly what will happen, check the regulations of the cities where you will be departing from and arriving, as well as the airports and airlines that serve those places.

Check out our new ebook, Traveling with Cannabis, if you’re interested in learning more about cannabis legislation around the world, cannabis tourism, driving while high, and other topics.

Visit our East Boston store, which is one mile north of Boston Logan International Airport, if you are traveling into Boston and want to purchase high-quality cannabis goods. And to become a Happy Valley Insider, subscribe to our email list if you want news sent straight to your inbox. Enter your email address in the Stay Connected section at the bottom of the page to register.